Creative writing – Ustvarjalno pisanje pri urah angleščine s tujo učiteljico

Third year students were asked to think about the differences between reading something and watching it. They explored Sherlock Holmes and discussed what the purpose of both activities are. Afterwards, they were asked to create a piece of dialogue where a book and a TV set would argue about who is better.

Movie: “Stop trying, oldie, you’re outdated. New generations don’t even know what you are.”

Book: “I carried knowledge, legends, myths and countless stories through hundreds of generations, and I will forever be the one people trust the most.”

Movie: “Yes, it’s true. But who needs a book to take hours and hours of their precious time when they can watch a movie and experience the whole story in a fraction of the time.”

Book: “I’d rather spend 20 hours immersing myself in a story completely and feeling what characters are feeling, seeing through their eyes, than get superficial access to a story which can be told in hundreds of different ways.”

Jaka Protič Žakelj, 3. e

Third year students were asked to consider what music meant to them and the impact it had on their lives. After considering the main themes of popular songs, they were then asked to create their own.

                                       MY SONG – GROWING UP

What would happen if songs could grow up?

Who will sing to our kids: Baby shark do do do do or Peter Pan, Wendy Darling even Capitan Hook you are my perfect story book?

Would you let your internal child grow up?

What if everyone’s internal children grew up?

I am your growing up song, just an old man sitting in a garden, trying to remember who I’m supposed to be. I am just a man standing next to you.

I am your growing up song, just an old woman crying in the bathroom and trying to remember who I’m supposed to be. I am just a woman standing next to you.

I am your growing up song, just a young boy sinking in the ocean and thinking about my girl, smiling in the bathroom trying to kiss you on the cheek.

I am your growing up song, just a young girl trying not to listen and thinking about the smart boy sitting in his garden giving me a rose and one kiss on the cheek. His kiss …

Skip to an unwanted YouTube ad in 3, 2, 1 …

 To be continued.

Hanna Bauman, 3. bv

Students were given 3 minutes to write continuously. The aim was not to create a perfect piece of writing, but to let the imagination run free. So students did not have to include punctuation, but instead, they had to let their minds wander.

Queenie was a young girl who had many issues with her mum because she wasn’t able to take care of her sea sitting next to the water with block of flats with clouds of smoke clouds where giant from the fairy tales live fairy is kind of funny thing to spell never thought of it like so fairy fairy fair it gives me the association while thinking about a movie with talking apes in it and all of this in completely unrelated and it is funny how…

Jakob Zemljič, 4. a